Iron and Steel Industry

Iron, Steel and Aluminum Production Facilities

Aluminum production takes place in two stages. In the first stage, alumina is obtained from bauxite ore by the Bayer method. In the second stage, aluminum is obtained from alumina by electrolysis. Alumina facilities are generally installed next to bauxite ores. The bauxite ore extracted from the mine is treated with lye and aluminum hydroxide is obtained. As a result of this process, the insoluble residues (red mud) are separated and “alumina” (aluminum oxide) is obtained by calcination of aluminum hydroxide.

To create a management system instead of just an operator control system in the product frames. This will help increase both production and quality.

To implement not only PLC and vision systems, but a fully integrated process control system.
To eliminate unexpected and unwanted production complexities caused by electrical error or misinformation.

Iron and Steel Production

Iron and steel production is a very complex process. In solid raw material-weighted manufacturing, it requires the use of a wide variety of sensors, instrumentation and control algorithms such as the transfer of raw materials in bands, weighing, mixing, furnace control process, and rolling the product.

– Simatic WinCC V6 Scada System
– automatic archiving of retrospective Alarm, user archive and process archive data
– Reporting System Provides access to archives with the Connectivity pack and reporting options in the desired format
– Monitoring of the system over the Internet with Simatic Webnavigator.

References in the Iron and Steel Industry
